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The history of diplomatic relations between Romania and Norway during the interwar period

Ana-Maria Despa
Valahia University of Târgovişte, E-mail address:

DOI number: 10.53604/rjbns.v3i2_7

This paper has been presented at the Second International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania: Black Sea and Baltic Sea Regions: Confluences, influences and crosscurrents in the modern and contemporary ages hosted by the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Târgoviste, May 20-22, 2011 and was funded from the European Union Structural Funds project “The Predex Programme for Excellence in Doctoral Training for the Society of Knowledge” of Valahia University (Contract Code: POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/77497)

This article aims at reconstructing based on diplomatic archives’ records the history of diplomatic and consular relations between the two countries during the interwar period. The diplomatic bonds between the two countries date back already before Norway had obtained its sovereignty by dissolving the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway in 1905. Eventually, Romania recognized the Norwegian independence and conducted diplomatic relations with Norway through its legation in Berlin. The first official legation in Norway was established in 1917 by Grigore Bilciurescu’s appointment as chargé d’affaires in Christiania (Oslo). On the other hand, the first Norwegian diplomat who resided in Bucharest was Terje Knudtzon in 1935. During most of the interwar period the diplomatic relations between the two countries were conducted through envoys residing in other European capitals. The article fits into the category of historical evidence works and since it has adopted a chronological approach, it does not raise, more than is necessary, the prospect of a theoretical interpretation of these relations.

Acest articol îşi propune, pe baza arhivelor diplomatice, să reconstituie istoria relaţiilor diplomatice si consulare dintre cele două ţări în perioada interbelică. Contactele diplomatice dintre acestea datează încă din perioada anterioară obţinerii suveranităţii Norvegiei prin dizolvarea Regatului Unit al Suediei şi Norvegiei în 1905. România a recunoscut independenţa Norvegiei şi a desfăşurat relaţii diplomatice cu aceasta prin intermediul legaţiei sale la Berlin. Prima legaţie în Norvegia a fost înfiinţată în 1917 prin numirea lui Grigore Bilciurescu ca însărcinat cu afaceri în Christiania (Oslo). Pe de altă parte, primul diplomat norvegian care a locuit în Bucureşti, a fost Terje Knudtzon în 1935. În perioada interbelică relaţiile diplomatice dintre cele două ţări s-au derulat prin intermediul legaţiilor deschise în alte capitale europene. Acest articol se încadrează în categoria lucrărilor de evidenţă istorică şi întrucât a ales o abordare cronologică, el nu are în vedere, mai mult decât este necesar, perspectiva unei interpretări teoretice a acestor relaţii.

Keywords: Romania; Norway; bilateral relations; interwar period