„Cette Europe triomphante qui est née de l’échange de toutes choses spirituelles et matérielles, de la coopération volontaire et involontaire des races, de la concurrence des religions, des systèmes, des intérêts, sur un territoire très limité, m’apparaît aussi animée qu’un marché où toutes choses bonnes et précieuses sont apportées, comparées, discutées, et changent de mains. C’est une Bourse où les doctrines, les idées, les découvertes, les dogmes les plus divers, sont mobilisés, sont cotés, montent, descendent, sont l’objet des critiques les plus impitoyables et des engouements les plus aveugles. Bientôt les apports les plus lointains arrivent abondamment sur ce marché. D’une part, les terres nouvelles de l’Amérique, de l’Océanie et de l’Afrique, les antiques empires de l’Extrême-Orient envoient à l’Europe leurs matières premières pour les soumettre à ces transformations étonnantes qu’elle seule sait accomplir. D’autre part, les connaissances, les philosophies, les religions de l’ancienne Asie viennent alimenter les esprits toujours en éveil, que l’Europe produit à chaque génération ; et cette machine puissante transforme les conceptions plus ou moins étranges de l’Orient, en éprouve la profondeur, en retire les éléments utilisables.
Notre Europe, qui commence par un marché méditerranéen, devient ainsi une vaste usine ; usine au sens propre, machine à transformations, mais encore usine intellectuelle incomparable. Cette usine intellectuelle reçoit de toutes parts toutes les choses de l’esprit ; elle les distribue à ses innombrables organes. Les uns saisissent tout ce qui est nouveauté avec espoir, avec avidité, en exagèrent la valeur ; les autres résistent, opposent à l’invasion des nouveautés l’éclat et la solidité des richesses déjà constituées. Entre l’acquisition et la conservation, un équilibre mobile doit se rétablir sans cesse, mais un sens critique toujours plus actif attaque l’une ou l’autre tendance, exerce sans pitié les idées en possession et en faveur ; éprouve et discute sans pitié les tendances de cette régulation toujours obtenue. ”
Paul Valéry, “Note (ou L’Européen)” (1924)
Thursday, 28 May 2020
11.00-11.10: The opening of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania (video recordings)
Speakers: Silviu Miloiu, President of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies and Vice-Rector of Valahia University of Târgoviște & Adrian Pogacian, President of ReThinking Europe (video recordings)
11.10-12.00: From the fall of Communism to Brexit: is the EU a success?
The address of Her Excellency Dr. Violeta Motulaitė, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Republic of Lithuania in Romania, Honorary President of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies
The address of Her Excellency Ms. Marjut Akola, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Finland in Romania
12.00-12.15: Piano mini-recital, Dragoş Andrei Cantea, Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo and George Enescu National University of Arts in Iaşi (video recordings)
Eyvind Alnæs – Sidste reis
Constantin Silvestri – Bacchanale
12.30-13.30: break
14.00-19.00: Conference sessions and plenary sessions
14.00-14.45: Plenary session I: The EU after Brexit: perspectives on the future of Europe
Chair: Kari Alenius
Radu Carp, Combining soft power with the geopolitical approach – how hard is it for the EU to change its attitude?
Adrian Pogacian, From migration issue to COVID-19 crisis
14.45-16.30: Session 1
Panel 1 | Panel 2 |
Intercultural relations in the Nordic and Baltic countries | Rethinking the Baltic Sea Region in Europe during the interwar period |
Chair: Enikő Molnár Bodrogi | Chair: Mihai Dragnea |
Dorijan Hajdu and Sabira Ståhlberg: A fly in amber? Nordic-Balkan citizen cultural connections then and now | Kari Alenius: Rethinking Romania in Finland, 1918-1944 |
Crina Leon: Spreading Romanian Language and Culture in Norway after Year 2000 | Silviu Miloiu: Rethinking Europe in a renewed Baltic Sea Region: the Finnish foreign policy and Baltic regionalization after World War I |
Ildikó Varga: Cultural relations between the Nordic and the Baltic countries and the rest of Europe – The case of the La Fontaine Literary Society | Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, Romania, Poland and the difficult path towards a regional alliance in early 1920s |
Gintaras Druckus: Kaunas in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century: modern architecture as evidence of Europe oriented modern city | |
Sándor Földvári: Former and Recent Baltic Capitals between the Central European and Nordic (Scandinavian) Trends: The Case of Kaunas as for the Urban Culture |
16.30-16.45: Break
16.45-17.15: Plenary session II: Constructions of Christian Identity and the Idea of the Holy Land in the Northern Periphery: The Sawley World Map in Twelfth-Century England
Chair: Costel Coroban
Speaker: Mihai Dragnea
17.15-19.00: Session 2
Panel 3 | Panel 4 |
Teaching and use of Nordic languages | Encounters, fantasies and perceptions in shaping Europe |
Chair: Crina Leon | Chair: Sándor Földvári |
Ioana-Andreea Mureşan and Raluca Pop Petruş: SKAM – The Language Terminator (Språkterminatoren)? Norwegian, English and Global Success | Alexandra Gruian: Heading to the North and back – the influence of the Arctic expedition on the 19th-century travelers of Sibiu |
Adél Furu: Paths to learning second languages in Finland | Sabira Ståhlberg: Window to a world beyond: A journey to the Black Sea in 1963 |
Raluca Pop Petruş: Overcoming challenges of teaching smaller languages. The case of teaching Norwegian as a foreign language | Shan Huang: Reality and fantasy of the Baltic Tunnel: In comparison with the British-French Channel Tunnel |
Karoliina Salo: Directives given by the L2-doctor on multicultural primary care consultations |
Friday, 29 May 2020
09.30-13.00: Conference sessions and plenary sessions
Panel 5 | Panel 6 |
Rethinking Europe in Nordic and Baltic cultures | Reception of Nordic literature |
Chair: Roxana Dreve | Chair: Adrian Pogacian |
Enikő Molnár Bodrogi: Modernization and Language Loss | Gianina Druţă: Henrik Ibsen’s “Ghosts” and the star-actor tradition on the Romanian stage (1894-1947) |
Donato Gagliastro: Alberto Moravia in Swedish literary culture | Ovio Olaru: The place of crime. The case of Scandinavian Noir |
Johanna Domokos: Saami Poetic Criticism of Nordic and Global Antroposcene | Marian-Alin Dudoi: Halldór Laxness and the Romanians |
Session 4: 11.00 – 13.00
Panel 7 | Panel 8 |
New perspectives on Norwegian literature | Rethinking Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region in Europe during the two world wars |
Chair: Gianina Druţă | Chair: Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor |
Ioana-Andreea Mureşan: Norwegian Emigration and the Emergence of Modernity in Norway. America Letters and the Case of Knut Hamsun and Sigbjørn Obstfelder | Costel Coroban: The Idea of Europe in Women’s Diaries from the Great War |
Raluca-Daniela Răduţ: The Sense of Space and Arctic Nature in Cora Sandel’s Kranes Konditori: Interior med figurer (Krane’s Café: An Interior with Figures) | Kriss Kapenieks: Latvians’ Image of Europe During First World War: Change of Viewpoint from Russian Imperial Citizen to European National Subject |
Roxana Dreve: Standing out vs. Standing still? Children, adults and Janteloven in Thorbjørn Egner’s book People and Robbers of Cardamon Town (Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by) | Andreea Dahlquist: Romanian-Swedish trade relations during the Second World War, a way of rethinking the economic perspectives |
Artur-Lóránd Lakatos: April 1940: The German Invasion of Norway in Romanian Diplomatic Sources | |
Luiza Filimon, Rewind and replay: mainstream parties and the pull of radicalization. The Nordic experience |
13.00-13.15: Closing Session
Chairs: Crina Leon and Silviu Miloiu
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