Michael North
University of Greifswald, E-Mail: north@uni-greifswald.de
DOI number: 10.53604/rjbns.v4i2_1
This paper has been presented at the Third International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania: European Networks: the Balkans, Scandinavia and the Baltic World in a Time of Crisis hosted by the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies and Valahia University of Târgoviste, and sponsored by the Romanian National Research Council, May 25-27, 2012.
The political changes of 1989 stimulated a new perception and perspective of the Baltic Sea Region. And this gained momentum with the Eastern Enlargement of the EU. The new situation encouraged research as well. In this context the “Baltic Sea” is not an unchangeable physical setting, but also a construction of different actors or protagonists. People and powers continuously reinvent the Baltic Sea Region. That is why; the following paper focuses on the different notions of the Baltic Sea Region from the Middle Ages up to now and also examines the recent EU-Strategy of this region.
Schimbările politice din 1989 au stimulat o nouă percepţie şi perspectivă asupra regiunii Baltice. Aceasta a luat amploare odată cu extinderea Uniunii Europene spre est. Noua situație a încurajat şi cercetarea. În acest context, „Marea Baltică„ nu este un decor fizic invariabil, ci o construcţie a diferiţi actori şi protagonişti. Persoane şi puteri reinventează continuu regiunea Mării Baltice. Iată de ce, acest text se concentrează pe diferite noţiuni ale regiunii Mării Baltice din Evul Mediu până în prezent şi examinează, de asemenea, recenta strategie a Uniunii Europene din această zonă.
Keywords: Baltic Sea Region; Hansa; Adam of Bremen; EU-Strategy; spatial turn; dominium maris Baltici; model region