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The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2009)
Editorial Foreword
The Cost of Transition from Market to Command Economy: The Case of Estonia
To Be or to Become ‘European’? ‘Westernizing’ Narratives in Post-Cold War Finland
Scandinavian Perspectives. Overcoming the Cold War Pressures in Romania’s Policy towards Northern Europe
The Concept of Tributalism: A Comparative Analysis of S. Amin‘s, J. Haldon‘s and H. H. Stahl‘s Approaches
The Relations Between Transylvanian Saxons And Baltic Germans During The 1920s
Danish Perceptions of Interwar Romania
The Romanian-Finnish Cultural Relations: History, Trends, Bibliography
Bogdan Schipor, Politica Marii Britanii la frontiera de vest a Uniunii Sovietice: 1938-1941
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2010)
Wan light of Lithuania in Bucharest. The sources of a non-declared divorce (1918-1926)
The political and diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Romania (1935-1940)
Nicolae Titulescu’s new eastern policy and the upgrading of Romania’s diplomatic ties with Lithuania
Development characteristics of interwar European periphery: the cases of Romania and Lithuania’s agriculture
Henri H. Stahl’s conception of historical sociology and the Bucharest School of Sociology
The Polish-Lithuanian Crisis of March 1938. Some Romanian and Western reactions
The status and the future of Baltic States and Romania in the strategy of Western Allies in the early years of the Second World War: a comparative view
The Second Corps of Romanian volunteers in Russia
Bogdan Murgescu, România şi Europa. Acumularea decalajelor economice (1500-2010), Silviu Miloiu
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010)
Editorial Foreword
Sweden and the Jacobite movement (1715-1718)
Aspects of the Eastern Question found in Swedish diplomatic reports (1813)
Portrait of a necessary Ponto-Baltic alliance: Polish commercial road projects towards the Balkans and the Black Sea, 1919 – 1926
Forging a Socialist Homeland from Multiple Worlds: North American Finns in Soviet Karelia 1921-1938
Leisure in Stalin’s Estonia
From “allies without alliance” to concerted action: Romania and Finland in the aftermath of the Operation Barbarossa (1941)
War, diplomacy and media: the British–Soviet Treaty of May 26, 1942 in Swedish press commentaries
Lithuanian public opinion and the EU membership
The Awarding of Doctor Honoris Causa to H.S. Dr. Vladimir Jarmolenko, The Ambassador of Lithuania to Bucharest
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2011)
Editor’s Foreword
Wallachian settlers in the Baltic Sea region. A humanist tale of migration and colonization, and its implications for the mental maps of early modern Europe
British Reactions to Charles XII’s Stay in the Ottoman Empire
Data pertaining to the outbreak of the Lithuanian insurrection (25 March 1831), retrieved from Swedish diplomatic sources
Relations between Transylvania and the Nordic countries in the 19th century as seen in Romanian periodicals. A quantitative and qualitative analysis
Kišinev or Linkuva? Rumors and threats against Jews in Lithuania in 1903
Germany’s policy and the diplomatic agenda of Romanian neutrality (1914-1916). The Prospect of a plan for an alliance with Sweden
The Nansen Commission and the Romanian Prisoners of War’s repatriation from the Russian territories
Pre-World War II Romania from Latvian Perspective: An Envoy’s views
90 years from the establishment of diplomatic relations between Finland and Romania: exhibition of historical documents
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 3, Issue 2 (2011)
Editorial Foreword
Regional higher education co-operation: a research proposal to compare the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea regions
Never satisfactory, according to the Finnish standards”. From optimism and interest to disappointment and disillusion: Finnish views on the nations in Eastern Central Europe between the word wars
“Un singur popor cu două drapele”. The Romanian-Polish relations during the interwar period
The Little Entente and Romania from the perspective of Lithuanian diplomacy in the 1930s
The Nobel Peace Prize from a Romanian perspective – the interwar period
The history of diplomatic relations between Romania and Norway during the interwar period
Elena Dragomir and Silviu Miloiu, Istoria Finlandei
20 years from the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Romania
Books and journals received
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1 (2012)
Editorial Foreword
Alteration of the ethnic diversity and ethnic segregation index in Latvia during the first and second independence periods
An attempt to appoint a Swedish vice consul to Bucharest (1834-1835)
From the Fringe of the North to the Balkans: The Balkans Viewed by Scottish Medical Women during World War I
Romanians and the Nobel Prizes for Science and Literature
Norwegian Film Days in Iaşi. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, May 27-29, 2012. Interview with Jan Erik Holst
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2012)
Reinventing the Baltic Sea Region: From the Hansa to the Eu-Strategy of 2009
The Baltic and the birth of a modern English maritime community: the Muscovy Company and nautical cartography, 1553-1665
Economic challenges in Early Modern Ages and different responses of European margins. Comparative considerations based on historiography: the cases of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Moldavian Principality
Illegal education of Polish children in Independent Lithuania in the 1930s: circumstances and development trends
Multiculturalism versus Nationalism and the role of ethnic minorities in the public life of Lithuania
Beggars, scammers, discriminated against by the whole of Europe: Romania’s Roma in Finnish tabloids, 2008-2011
Mafia links between the Balkans and Scandinavia. State of affairs
What the membership has taught? National identity construction in Lithuanian public discourse after accession to the European Union
Construction of Resistance Discourse in Latvian Post-Soviet Literature about Deportations and Imprisonments
The common denominator. Romania and the Nordic countries, 1966-1969
The Third Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania, May 2012
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)
Editorial Foreword
A Southeastern “other” with diverse challenges. Romania in Finnish schoolbooks
Jewish faction at the Third Seimas of Lithuania in 1926-1927: on the way to the identity crisis
European Regional Integration in the Drafting of the Eastern Pact in 1934–1935: Interests of the Baltic Entente and the Little Entente
Finland’s rapprochement to National-Socialist Germany as reaction against Winter War
Young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Norway: Migration, Identity and Ethnicity
International reactions to the Russian suppression of the Polish insurrection (November 1830)
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2013)
Editorial Foreword
Baltic Sea regional integration: water protection, university co-operation – and agriculture?
A typical example of mental region-building? The Balkan area in Finnish schoolbooks from the late 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century
The socio-economic history of Lithuania from the 16th to the 19th century (until 1861) from the perspective of economic development concepts
Changes in the Vilnius, Kaunas and Grodno provinces peasants’ approach to consumption in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries
Some linguistic remarks regarding Romanian Viking Studies
Diplomacy as a lifestyle. Nordic and Russian diplomats as links between their countries and the Romanian area (17th – 19th centuries)
The influence of European Union outer policy initiatives to the EU-Russia relations: cases of Northern Dimension and Black Sea synergy
Address at the Fourth International Conference on Baltic and Nordic studies in Romania: empire-building and region-building in the Baltic, North and Black Sea areas
Address at the Fourth International Conference on Baltic and Nordic studies in Romania: empire-building and region-building in the Baltic, North and Black Sea areas
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014)
Editorial Foreword
Syllabi of disciplines of Nordic and Baltic Summer School
The Sea as Site of Memory: The Danish Sound and the Dardanelles in Comparison
Intermarium: the Baltic and the Black seas on the Polish mental maps in the interwar period
Maintaining linguistic diversity through multilingual education
Dialects in Norway – between tolerance and standardization
Linguistic diversity in The Thief, by Göran Tunström
An overview of the Scandinavian poetry translated in Romanian culture
The reception of Knut Hamsun in Romania in the period 1919-1926
Towards an international university. A professorship at The Franz Joseph University (Cluj-Napoca) in 1901
The voice of a “tongueless” periphery
A life dedicated to Romanian language. Interview with professor Arne Halvorsen
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2 (2014)
Editorial Foreword
War and Peace in Eastern Europe: The Ukrainian Lessons
Post-War Friendship Between Neighbors: An outline of Soviet-Finnish Music Exchanges from 1944 towards the collapse of the Soviet Union
Knut Hamsun between cultural Germany and political Germany
Sunne – Göran Tunström‘s land of peace and beauty
Peace through cultural interaction: the ethnic relations in Finland and Turkey
Literary and cultural exchange: translation trends in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Pre-Christian Scandinavian royalty. From the legendary kings to the 11th century kingship
Peace or conflict? Past cultural relations between the Nordic countries, Russia and the Romanian area (17th – 19th Centuries)
About Pan-Scandinavianism. Reference points in the 19th century (1815-1864)
Romanian diplomats in the Scandinavian countries (1916-1947)
Finnish efforts to promote cultural relations with Romania during the Second World War
When the West is far away: Romanian attempts to withdraw from World War II (1943-1944), Finnish views
How did 22/7 shape the political rhetoric on immigration and integration in Norway?
Danish Straits versus Turkish Straits: The Potential Impact of Prospective Russian Oil Exports
Leonidas Donskis – an encyclopedic Renaissance-like figure
Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Multinationals, Subsidiaries and National Business Systems: the Nickel Industry and Falconbridge Nikkelverk
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2015)
Editorial Foreword
Identity and memory in Eastern and Central Europe: tracing Czesław Miłosz and Milan Kundera
Images of 19th century Sweden and Norway in the works Gösta Berling’s Saga by Selma Lagerlöf and Children of the Age by Knut Hamsun
Clashing cultural nationalisms: the 19th-century Danish-German intellectual debate, the Schleswig wars (1848-1864), and some reflections on the cultural roots of National Socialism
The problem of the application of the term second serfdom in the history of Central Eastern Europe: the case of Lithuanian economy in the 16th-19th centuries (until 1861)
Steinar Lone and the magic of translation
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2 (2015)
Editorial Foreword
The Varangian guard and its contribution to the manifestation of the imperial power in Byzantium
Instances of kingship in Sverris saga
The entry of the boyars
Approaching the past: a tangled interplay of memory, political choices and historical science. With examples from the Nordic and Baltic countries and Romania
My file
Between truth and memory: images in Lithuanian historical documentaries in post-communist transformation period
Questions of transnational cinema: the Baltic case from culture to branding
World War II in Baltic and Nordic social media
Reading the facades. Architexture of Kaliningrad city
The Baltic Sea and the Black Sea: security challenges and vulnerabilities after the Cold War
Representations of suppressed indigenous cultural memories: the communities of the Sami people of Finland and the Kurds of Turkey
Women in the Latvian War of Independence 1918–1920 in historical memory: nurses’ example
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 8, issue 1
Editorial Foreword
Power, ideology and piety in high medieval Norway: The King’s Mirror
Political instability and corruption. The Phanariot regime as seen by Russian and Nordic travellers
Norway’s political / linguistic / literary policies in the 1830s
Hedda Gabler: between territories
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 8, issue 2 (2016)
Editorial Foreword
Representations of political power in medieval Iceland: Íslendingabók
The people’s expectations of good governance in German-occupied Estonia, 1941–1944
An overview of the Copenhagen school’s approach to security studies: constructing (in)security through performative power
Nordic states contribution to peace and security
Democratic order and ethnic minority rights: the weaknesses of the Finnish and Turkish democracies
The withdrawal of the Soviet/Russian armed forces and the end of the occupation (Essay of the chronology of the troop withdrawal negotiations)
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 9, issue 1 (2017)
Editorial Foreword
The beginning of revolution of the ”Solidarity” in Poland as seen by the Swedish media (August–September 1980)
The Transylvanian issue: Swedish perspectives (1944-1945)
Norwegian studies at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi
Baltic studies in Romania: sources, beginnings and perspectives
The identities of the Catholic communities in the 18th century Wallachia
Svanhild Naterstad, “To me Romania is magic!”
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 9, issue 2 (2017)
Editorial forward
A king’s luck? A discussion of battle-luck and ill-fortune in Sverris Saga
Northern Norway in Viking age
Old Norse gods in contemporary Norwegian novels
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Volume 10, Issue 1 (2018)
Editorial forward
An Enemy of the People on the Stage of the Iași National Theatre in 2016
The Effect of Borders on Identity Building in Minority Life
Recognition of Finland’s Independence: a Time of Contemplation
From a Multi-Ethnic Empire to a National State: the Contribution of Romanian Officers in the Habsburg Army to the Creation of Greater Romania as Presented by Transylvanian Journalists
Elated and Traumatized Self(ves) in Autobiographies from the Romanian Front
The Most Significant Date in Lithuania’s History
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, volume 10, issue 2 (2018)
Editorial Foreword
Typologies of pre-modern societies beyond feudalism: exploring alternative possibilities and the problem of their applicability in cases of peripheral European societies
The comparative analysis of Lithuanian manorial-serf economy and hacienda economic system of Latin America in the context of capitalist world system: from the second half of the 18th to the second half of the 19th centuries
On the Pathway to Independence: The Congress of the Representatives of the Lithuanian Military Officers of the Romanian Front (1917)
The German Invasion of Norway, April-June 1940: Romanian Echoes
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies at its tenth anniversary: articles, reviews, notes, interviews, events
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol 11, issue 1 (2019)
Editorial Foreword
Dissent versus conformism in Þórðar Saga Kakala (13th-century Iceland)
Dissenting narratives of identity in Saami, Meänkieli and Kven literatures
Balancing between dissent and conformity: Estonian self-administration under German occupation, 1941–1944
The memory of a forgotten exile: Eugen Lozovan and the intellectual dissent
The European who came back: Kurdish refugees in Finland
How is Leonidas Donskis remembered in Lithuania?
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 11, issue 2 (2019)
Editorial Foreword
The Saxon expeditions against the Wends and the foundation of Magdeburg during Otto I’s reign
Intercultural political models in Egils Saga and other literary sources. A philological study
Mihail Pâclianu – A Romanian Diplomat in the Nordic Countries (1919-1928)
Finnish language teaching through improvisation – conforming the educational values within an improvisational frame
Traveling in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th–17th Century. Mobility Conditions and Travellers’ Everyday Life
Dissent and Conformism: Individual Posture and Search for Universal Criteria – Possibilities of Choice
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 12, issue 1 (2020)
Editorial forward
Nordic dog whistles. Analyzing discriminatory discourses in the parlance of the Scandinavian radical right parties
Standing out vs. standing still? Children, adults and Janteloven in Thorbjørn Egner’s book People and Robbers of Cardamon Town (Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by)
Conflicting attitudes to the war in Europe in women’s diaries from the Great War
Finnish Literature Meets Romanian Literature in Hungarian. The case of the La Fontaine Literary Society
Economic relations between Sweden and Romania during the Second World War
Rethinking Europe: the Lithuanian Perspective
Andreas Sønning – Keys to Concert Productions and Creative Entrepreneurship
Epp Annus, Soviet Postcolonial Studies: A View from the Western Borderlands
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Vol. 12, issue 2 (2020)
Editorial forward
Fly in amber? Nordic-Balkan citizen diplomacy and cultural connections then and now
Norwegian emigration and the emergence of modernity in Norway: America letters and the cases of Knut Hamsun and Sigbjørn Obstfelder
Modernization and Language Loss in the Meänkieli Community
The Sense of space and Arctic nature in Cora Sandel’s Kranes konditori: interiør med figurer (Krane’s Café: An Interior with Figures)
Combining soft power with the geopolitical approach – how difficult is for the EU to change its attitude?
SKAM – The Language Terminator (Språkterminatoren)? Norwegian, English and Global Success
Paths to Learning Second Languages in Finland
Museum and historical culture: how is Jewish history included in the museum narrative of Lithuania?
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Vol. 13, issue 1 (2021)
Editorial Foreword
Acculturation or autonomy? Controversy over the status of the Sámi in Finland during the interwar period
On semantic and semiotic multilingualism in earlier and latest works of Sabira Ståhlberg and Tzveta Sofronieva
Window to a world beyond: Göran Schildt’s journey to Bulgaria and Romania in 1963 and some multilingual and multicultural strategies
The family tree – a challenge for multicultural learning: some aspects of Swedish, Serbian and Bulgarian kinship terminology
Knowledge of Russian and Estonian – an aisle of Finnish–Russian–Estonian relations
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 13, issue 2 (2021)
Editorial forward
New Heathenry between past and present. The case of Ásatrúfélagið and Samfundet Forn Sed
Language as a resource for ethnic and cultural identity: experience of Latvian expats in Sweden
The birth of minority legislation in the newly independent Finland and Estonia (1918–1920): a comparative analysis
The „soft” borders in the Baltic Sea Region, 1905-1940
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies Vol. 14, Issue 1 (2022)
Editorial forward
The „hard” borders in the Baltic Sea Region, 1917-1922
Alterity and identity: Romanian-Swedish mutual perceptions during The Second World War
The image of the Norwegian monarch in Laxdæla saga. Historical and philological remarks
A view from Poland: the state and the Orthodox church in the Ukrainian lands in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as reflected in the Polish historical research
Great Britain and the United States of America as alterity figures for Romanians in the modern epoch: Ethno-cultural images and social representations
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 14, issue 2 (2022)
Editorial Foreword
The beginnings of Norwegian teaching in Romania (Bucharest, the 1960s-1980s)
Skilful Leaders or Dictators? The Image of the Hegemons of State of the Baltic Countries Conveyed by The Finnish Media in the Interwar Period
Webs of Domination: The Eastern Baltic under the Geopolitical Grip of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact (1939–1940)
Art Moves: Refugee Artists in Finland
NILS MAGNE KNUTSEN. Knut Hamsun og Nordland. Den lange veien hjem, Tromsø: Angelica Forlag, 2006. (Knut Hamsun and Nordland. The Long Way Home, translation from Norwegian)
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, vol. 15, issue 1 (2023)
The Ferrymen: Latvian Refugees on their Way to Sweden in Oral History Testimonies
Full access publications
Romania and Lithuania in the Interwar International Relations: Bonds, Intersections and Encounters. First International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania
Black Sea and Baltic Sea Regions: Confluences, influences and crosscurrents in the modern and contemporary ages
European networks: the Balkans, Scandinavia and the Baltic world in a time of economic and ideological crisis
Empire-building and region-building in the Baltic, North and Black Sea areas. The Fourth International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania
A piece of culture, a culture of peace. Re-imaging European communities in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions. The Fifth international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies in Romania
Historical memory, the politics of memory and cultural identity: Romania, Scandinavia and Baltic Sea Region in comparison. Sixth annual international conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania
Good governance in Romania and the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Seventh annual international conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania
Finland, Romania, Roma integration – Learning from each other. Eighth annual conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania
100 years since modern independence and unification in the Baltic Sea Region and East-Central Europe. Ninth international conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania
Dissent versus conformism in the Nordic, Baltic and Black Sea areas. The tenth annual international conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania
Rethinking Europe in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region
Rethinking Europe: detailed conference programme
ReThinking multiculturalism, multilingualism and cultural diplomacy in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region. The 12th International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies
Hegemons, warlords, and refugees
Cooperation and Controversy. The 14th annual international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies
Dynamics of Belonging – Home and Homeland in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region
The Pen, the Place, and the Pact: Literature, Heritage, and Diplomacy in the Baltic and Nordic Regions
Leonidas Donskis Library
Northern Lights: Summer School of Baltic and Nordic Studies
CoolPeace. A piece of culture, a culture of peace. Summer School of Nordic and Baltic Studies
CoolPeace. A piece of culture, a culture of peace. Summer School of Nordic and Baltic Studies
The Restoration of the State of Lithuania: History, Significance, Echoes