You can provide important support to our cultural, scientific and educational activities by making a donation by bank transfer to the account opened on behalf of the Romanian Baltic and Nordic Association at:
CIF (Fiscal Registration Code): 25739417
Account Number: SV18170881600
IBAN: RO28BRDE160 SV18170881600
open at Banca Româna de Dezvoltare – Groupe Societe Generale, Agency Cârlova, Independentei Blvd, no. 24-25, Tel. 0245-21.63.11, ax 0245-21.63.92
Puteti acorda un sprijin important activitatilor noastre culturale, stiintifice si educationale prin efectuarea unei donatii.prin transfer bancar la contul deschis pe numele Asociatiei Române pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice la:
CIF (Cod de Inregistrare Fiscala): 25739417
Numar cont: SV18170881600
Cod IBAN: RO28BRDE160 SV18170881600
deschis la Banca Româna de Dezvoltare – Groupe Societe Generale, Agentia Cârlova, B-dul Independentei, nr. 24-25, Tel. 0245-21.63.11, ax 0245-21.63.92